Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Quest for Beardism

I wish for nothing more in this world than to grow a beard. A magnificent beard. A beard so mighty that all who gaze upon it are instantly induced into a deep covetous coma. And it is for this reason that I find myself in quite the predicament.

You see, the one thing I desire more than anything else in my life, is being taken from me. Every few days I am forced to shave the beautiful sproutlings of facial hair that appear on my cheeks in order to 'maintain my appearance'. It is important to note that I do not write this in spite of the rules and regulations that have been set at my school. In fact, I applaud them. If everyone were allowed to grow a beard, I think you would be likely to see an outbreak of violence owing to some jealous spats between newly formed gangs of opposite facial encumbrances. Besides from this, I know that although a well-kept beard shows class and courage, an unkempt one exudes ignorance and a careless attitude that would not hold well under public scrutiny.

This said, I begin to recall a quote from a 'Donald Duck' book that I once read, back in my teddy bear days, that has stayed with me my whole life since. It went something like; "Good food takes time to prepare." Okay, so... One, I still occasionally sleep with a teddy. And two, this quote doesn't really have anything to do with growing a beard, right? But if one was to adapt this quote to fit my circumstances, one could tweak it to something along the lines of "Good things are worth waiting for".

The same quote could also be used to explain why McDonalds burgers are produced so swiftly, but that is the topic for another post.

Anyhoo... After understanding this quote I was able to come to grips with my situation. This does not mean that I will just forget about my facial hair completely until I am out of school. Instead, I shall ready my cheeks and practice good shaving techniques, so that when the time comes for my beard to be set free from the oppressive chains that are schooling regulations, my hair shall blossom vigorously and I will be able to set off at an uncompromising pace, on my Quest for Beardism.



  1. Good luck with that - it's one of the most uncomfortable things in the world!
